Podcast Participants
Brenda Canseco
Country: Mexico
Organization: Community of Capulálpam de Ménde in Oaxaca
Project Topic: Documentary about the current impact of the situation of mining extractivism in Oaxaca aimed at boys and girls.
Jazmin Quisbert
Country: Bolivia
Organization: Diversity Network in Bolivia
Project Topic: Complaint from the Ayllu Aymara of Hampaturi against the authorization of mining in their territory.
Yanka Vergara
Country: Chili
Organization: Mapuche Women's Network
Project Topic: The loss of the menoko and the ngen, protective spirits within the Mapuche worldview.
Diego Valenzuela
Country: Colombia
Organization: Resguardo Community
Project Topic: The effects on indigenous communities due to the expansion of the agricultural frontier and fires caused in environmental care territories.
Kankuana Canelos
Country: Ecuador
Organization: Confeniaie and Mullu TV
Project topic: Make women's voices visible and amplify, fighting against the narratives that seek to silence them.